Tokhy's Blog


Surprise surprise, I care sometimes.

Y'll think I am an emotionless prick who feeds on others' suffering? Well, that's a bit true, but I actually feel stuff. I have just started the document with the intention to try to describe my perception of emotions. I kept thinking for some time whether an absolute definition exists. The fundamental description will be the logical reasoning of having chemicals secreted in your brain as a reaction to either wanting to reproduce or reflection to death threats. I want to reflect on these chemical reactions. For any arbitrary humans A, B, if a person A has a relation X with person B that will lead to a specific "emotion", then this emotion is consistent over all people. That emotional consistency does not imply that it holds for how A reflects on that emotion. I have no idea how emotions are perceived from your perspective. But I believe that if we were both subjected to the exact situation, we would have the same hormonal secretion that produces some emotion.

But addressing myself, I believe that I usually reflect on "good" emotions excessively. I recognize why my mind is making me feel good staying with a person, but I can just ignore the connection and just let myself feel happy. Ignoring the causes but embracing the emotion is my way to go usually. However, in "bad" emotions, I tend to go for either a fast suppression or it is one of the times I want to hold tight the harsh bottom phases to feel the pleasure of my top phases.

So, let's talk emotions?

We feel "good" emotions in many forms. Winning a ranked game is emotionally fruitful. Loving your cat is a good emotion. Love, in general, may be perceived as a good emotion.

Actually, let's address that since it's one of the most mainstream good emotions. It's actually the simplest one. Love is induced by humans' reproductive hormones and sexual instincts. Love is what evolution chose to prevent our extinction. I guess it has been working pretty well till now.

Then, there is company in the form of friends, family, and random Tinder dates "I have I bf but I am here looking for friends". The reasoning behind that is logically apparent as well. Humans are weak and slow. This is why we need to be in groups. It makes sense that our minds are inclined to have a broader circle that supports you to get food rather than endeavoring forests nude and alone.

You ever asked yourself why you like it when those weird frequencies play sequentially? Music is just a repetition of patterns that you have consistently recognized throughout life. What makes the basic scales audible is how they were perceived from sounds of nature to our minds. For the same reason, when you listen to a song couple of times, accompanied with it being well-made to match your ancestors' audibility checker, this will give your mind a sense of comfort linked to that song. Thus, when you listen to it again repetitively, your mind will acquire the ability to guess the patterns as it has already trained on it, and yay let's give the human some dopamine as he remembered that pattern of "Present Tense" for the 200th time.

So, there is nothing called it just feels good; your feelings are concretely reasoned. Suppose I locked a heterosexual man with a heterosexual woman in a room. In that case, their minds will instantly provide them some hormones that makes them feel relaxed so either they think we're in love that's just the way your minds try to keep their progeny on, or you will hold your instincts to look polite (or maybe because I'm sitting behind the glass wall waiting for you to have sex to prove my point).

On the other hand, there are fear-induced emotions. When your wife died, you have more likely felt sad. This emotion has been induced due to many factors: fear from your death, fear from the void created by the loss of a person who you used to get dopamine from; having sex or getting into deep conversations where you criticize Baudrillard's The Mirror of Production, and the fear from being alone.

Going in groups made humans stronger versus the forest. Being in couples allowed generations to grow exponentially. Evolution-wise, it makes sense that being alone feels bad. However, humans have currently outrun evolution. We no longer need to stay in groups to protect ourselves from bears. Want to feel relaxed and happy? Smoke weed. Feeling you're in mating season? Choose your way, no partner required. Even want a partner to fulfill your lagged-evolutionary instinct without being subjected to forcefully create a family and be committed? Get a Tinder hookup or FWB relationship. Want a specific emotion that is produced by one particular hormone? Look for a plant that produces a similar compound and, smoke it! The way our minds used to provide us with that sense of pleasure to keep our existence is not as essential as it was one or two million years ago.

Unfortunately, this lag made us feel sad for stuff for reasons that no longer exist. It sucks that we become sad being alone while it is totally acceptable. It sucks that we need to get laid frequently while I do not give a shit about the future of humankind. Breakups shall not be sad, and the death of your friends and family shall not be hurtful. We need to upgrade our reflection on "sad" stuff. It is totally acceptable to feel that rush of hormones for extra 100 thousand years or so. Nevertheless, how we reflect on that rush needs to recognize their presence. We will feel that something is not okay after a relative's death or a breakup. It is just our biological response. You do not need to suffer more by letting that rush dominate your mind. The best way you can deal with it is to just accept the presence of that hormonal secretion and ignore it by looking for "happy" secretions. Until our brains evolve and find out that the reasons behind sadness are exterminated, we must suppress them ourselves.

Also, happy new year! Here are the top 100 albums I have listened to in 2021!

top 100 albums in the year

Posted at Sat, 01 Jan. 2022 - 10:30:15 PM

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