Tokhy's Blog


"Finally, I've found some spare time!", I said, thinking I'll be able to write a blogpost/ play a videogame/ watch a movie. However, "blank" is what I found.

Interested in multiple things, I was. Now, I am starting to get into the "comfort zone" loop. Healthy social life, working out, running, eating regularly, studying, etc... Nevertheless, that is not me. I am the rushy guy who never settles on. I'm the hopper that can barely settle on his own body (Maybe Even Switch a hand).

I started this post with the intention to share how my life is tending to the "safe" part, with many improvements, but I instantly found out that safe life is killing me. Sociable and healthy, yeah, but where is the guy who I fell in love with? Where is the man who never planned the hell he is doing the next day? I am no longer interested in myself.

"Untitled" can be the only title that suits my current phase. I want my past self, or at least an improved UI/UX of the same base. Changing how I deal with things will eliminate the only perk that caught my attention at first. I need to talk with myself. Maybe have a date to catch up on the lost feelings? Fuck, dates suck, was I about to plan a date! [I've failed myself].

"The only way to opt-out, is to opt out" (Edward Augustus Bond, 1852). To get out of that endless loop, I need to find my new base case. I'm looking forward to creating some new roads that make my "healthy" life less boring. Risks? Maybe. Illegal shit? Why not. Challenges? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. I am up to anything right now. My craziness is flooding in a significant growth rate. Let my craziness swallow y'll in the next phase. Be prepared.

There is no conclusion to that shit. It's not a fucking academic paper. No more Tokhyness for you today. Go take some risks, bro. Life is short.

Posted at Sat, 06 Feb. 2021 - 03:45:17 AM

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